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Natural Solutions to the Climate Crisis Spark Global Dialogue (VIDEO)

During 24 Hours of Reality: Spotlight on Solutions and Hope, former US Vice President Al Gore was joined by experts from around the world to talk about the incredible potential of natural solutions to climate crisis.


Nature can be a powerful ally in our fight to halt rising temperatures and heal the planet.

It starts with transforming the global system of farms and stores that feed us. Today, agriculture, forestry, and other land uses produce 22% of the planet’s emissions, due to factory processes, nitrogen-heavy fertilizers, deforestation, and other factors. But by switching to regenerative and sustainable practices, our farms can both feed us and reduce emissions, helping stop global warming in its tracks.

But farms aren’t nature’s only weapon in this fight. Forests suck about 7.6 billion metric tonnes of carbon (net) out of the atmosphere.

As the danger of the climate crisis grows, we have to take seriously the potential of agriculture to turn the page on being a source of harm and transform into being a force for good, in the fight against climate change.

During 24 Hours of Reality: Spotlight on Solutions and Hope, Climate Reality’s founder and chairman, former US Vice President Al Gore, was joined by experts from Cameroon, Indonesia, Trinidad and Tobago, and the US to talk about the incredible potential of natural solutions in the fight against the climate crisis.

Watch below:

Today, many of the world’s great forests, wetlands, and other natural spaces are under threat from polluting industries and reckless development. Join our email list today to get the latest on climate solutions and ways you can take action to fight for a better tomorrow for all.