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Which Climate Reality Campaign Is Right for You? (QUIZ)

Climate action is the heart and soul of everything we do at Climate Reality. Take our quick personality quiz below to see which Climate Reality campaign is the best fit for you.


The climate crisis is impacting people and communities everywhere. Not tomorrow. Not a few months or years down the road. Right now.

So what do we do? We get to work cutting emissions and accelerating the shift to clean energy, that’s what.

But how? Well, that’s where we come in.

Climate action is the heart and soul of everything we do at Climate Reality. We know that each win grows our movement, and each success is a step in the right direction. That if the federal legislation we want to see just isn’t there, we start local and grow and make it happen.

Whether you’re a lifelong environmentalist or a new activist just starting out (perhaps after taking a quiz or something?), we would love for you to join our fight. We’re taking on the Big Polluters driving the climate crisis and supporting the renewable energy revolution remaking our economies today and creating a better, more sustainable tomorrow. 

So if you’re out there asking, “What can I do to help solve this crisis?” we think we may have the answer. Take our quick personality quiz below to see which Climate Reality campaign is the best fit for you – and then get started.

After all, big change has to start somewhere – why not with you?

Now, Get to Work

Now that you know which Climate Reality campaign is the best fit for you, are you ready to get to work? Join one of our local chapters now.

These friends, neighbors, and colleagues are bringing clean energy to their towns, fighting fracking developments, and so much more. They’re making a real difference for our climate when it matters – and you can too.

Climate Reality chapters work on campaigns like 100% Committed and Pricing Pollution at the local level to counteract the current federal inaction on climate change. By joining a chapter, you can take on these campaigns and others to effect real change in your community.

Get started today!